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CAH Research & Community Engagement Seminar: Dr. Elizabeth Condliffe

Robotic Gait Trainers to facilitate Adapted Physical Activity

Dr. Condliffe is a clinician-scientist in the University of Calgary’s department of Clinical Neurosciences interested in improving the care of people with cerebral palsy and other causes of long-term neurodisabilities. Clinically, she largely sees patients with cerebral palsy and other pediatric onset neuro-disabilities. Her research focuses on improving clinical interventions to promote neuroplastic change and reduce multisystem impacts of impairments throughout the lifespan. She leads the Movement Impairment team of the RESTORE Network and is a member of the Vi Riddell Pediatric Rehabilitation Research group and the Noninvasive Neurostimulation Network (N3). As a biomedical engineer, neurophysiololgist and physiatrist, the Pediatric Onset Neuromotor Impairment (PONI) lab Dr. Condliffe uses technological innovations including robotic gait training, neurophysiologic and clinical tools to understand the mechanisms of impairments as well as evaluate and deliver interventions.

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