In this episode of We've Solved Nothing, David Legg and Rob Kerr take a no-holds-barred look back at the NHL's 4 Nations Cup, breaking down both its short-term and long-term impact on hockey
This episode was a special one for us as we recorded it in front of David Legg's Sports and Recreation students at Mount Royal University.
We (the GamePLAN team) are so grateful for your time and attention to this critically important work. It will shape the future of our collective efforts and it will have significant impacts for people living in Calgary. We’d like to thank you for your support and, most importantly, for the work you do every day to help make Calgary one of the most livable cities in the world!
After a two-year hiatus, hosts David Legg and Rob Kerr return to the mic, reviving the "We've Solved Nothing" podcast with their signature, lively take on all things sports. Listen here.

Sport Calgary and the Calgary Adapted Hub powered by Jumpstart are proud to announce they are the successful recipients of the Makadiff Grassroots Community Sport Fund, a grant bestowed by Makadiff Sports, an Alberta non-profit organization committed to advancing grassroots community sports initiatives.
Calgary media are invited to join the city’s sport community in the return of the Celebration of Sport, September 14 from 3-5 p.m. at the Deane House.
Sport Calgary is looking to reconnect with Calgarians and Canada’s Olympic and Paralympic Teams at Olympic Plaza while celebrating the opening weekend of the 2022 Beijing Games and Chinook Blast with a FREE Sport Festival, February 5-6, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
A new project aims to enhance opportunities for physical activity and recreation for Calgary families of all ability levels and in particular, for children with disabilities.