What is Safe Sport?
Safe sport is a prevalent ethical issue in Canadian sport. The entire sport ecosystem stands to lose if we do not collectively foster a fundamental culture change that minimizes the threats to sport and ensures safe sport experiences for all participants. Safe sport is everyone's responsibility.
Canadians should have a reasonable expectation that sport lives up to the general principles and commitment of the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS), resulting in sport that is accessible, inclusive, respects participants’ goals and is free from all forms of maltreatment.

Parents & Athletes
Parents have a responsibility to be informed and aware of Safe Sport measures to protect your child’s physical and mental well-being.
Athletes should also be knowledgeable about Safe Sport and how it relates to their safety - on and off the field.
What should you know as a parent with children in a sport organization? What information is important for an athlete? Visit our Safe Sport for Participants section for an FAQ and external resources.
The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is a call to action for sport organizations, parents, and coaches to enact responsible coaching across Canada – on and off the field of play.
What should you know as a coach? Check our Safe Sport for Coaches the FAQ and external resources.
Sport Organizations and Facilities
The health and safety of sports participants and fans should be at the forefront of all considerations made by administrators and sport organizations.
What should you know as an operator or manager of a sport facility? Check our Safe Sport for Sport Organizations FAQ and external resources