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Board Leadership Calgary 2022 - Fund Development That's Built to Fit - FREE WEBINAR

We are excited to host the ninth annual Board Leadership Calgary learning event for non-profits!

Bring your fund development questions and challenges! This interactive session will start with a conversation about you: your organization’s experiences with fundraising and your biggest areas of need.

Gail helps organizations build fundraising programs that fit, and in this workshop, she will lead us through conversations about fundraising fears, challenges and successes. The workshop will include some coaching ‘in real time’ on needs identified by the participants on the call, with learnings and best practices that can be tailored to fit your organization whether your fundraising program is just getting going or has been active for years. Expect to leave this session some tried and true tactics and templates that you can put to work as soon as you get back to your desk on Monday.

November 18

Calgary Spartans' Mini Camp

November 24

Sport For Life Developing Physical Literacy coming out of COVID-19 - Webinar